CM MICRO (0.001-2kg)
- Built in dial-a-weight system easily changes from load to load.
- Advanced microcomputer with LCD touch panel display (CM-802/CM-802AT)
- Automated test sequence performs easy hands-free loading operation
- Vickers, Knoop, Brinell and fracture toughness (Kc) testing (CM-802/CM-802AT)
- Sharp clear optics provide accurate indentation readings
- Optional dual indenter turret is available with up to 4 objectives on the CM-802
and 3 objectives on the CM-102 and CM-402 - Optional digital micrometer head with CM-802 screen display (CM-802)
- USB output connection (CM-802 Series)
- Built-in LED surface light
- Conforms to tolerances per ASTM & ISO 17025 Standards