HARDNESS Standard Test Block
Our certified Hardness Standard Test Blocks meet all ASTM standards and are manufactured in the USA, and calibrated and certified in our ISO/IEC 17025 accredited standardization laboratory.

Service and Calibration
Our in-house service departement is unmatched, with generations of experience and technical expertise. We offer a full range of services, such as calibration or mechanical repairs; from products that we offer to legacy machines no longer in production.

Software Solutions (ArS)
The ARS System is a fully automatic testing system that allows for programming, indenting, auto-reading, viewing and recording data all from one convenient station.

We offer a complete line of Sun-Tec metallographic consumables and accessories for testing preparation and analysis.
For generations, Sun-Tec Corporation has been providing testing equipment and solutions. We have assembled a team of specialists that were born out of the industrial epicenter right here in Detroit, Michigan. Whether it be for automotive, aerospace, energy, medical, defense, R&D, and education, we have the right testing equipment and accessories for your needs.

Clark Instrument, Detroit Testing Machine Company, Service Diamond Tool, Service Physical Tester and Gogan are divisions of Sun-Tec Corporation.